Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Recently the SF chronical ran a story about violence in surfing. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/05/07/BAA717FRCT.DTL

The ensuing commentary was outrageous to say the least. Some funny, some stupid and mostly ignorant.
Jerminator: I’ve never understood why people think it is so special to stand on a piece of wood while a wave carries it along. I’m sure it is a good feeling, but so is playing with my nuts. And I don’t punch people in the face over that….

One thing that sticks out in my mind about this article, the comments and the subject itself is that no one can ever explain to non-surfers why people get punched. It always ends up sounding like some over aggressive numb-nuts punching someone for nothing. Which, I am sure is the case sometimes. But I would say that most the time, people who fuck up in the water get away with nothing but a comment under the breath or maybe a finger pointing. I don't think that violence is the answer, but as Chris Rock says about such things, "I understand."

So I was trying to figure out a good analogy. How about this: You spend years of your life training to be the best driver in the world. You travel the world to train and test yourself so that you can enjoy the finest that automobile driving can be.

Then you save money and set yourself up with the best and most hooked up whip you could ever dream of. Some shit that makes Pimp My Ride look stupid.

One day while you are cruising in your supercar in downtown traffic, comfortable in the knowledge that no matter what happens you are prepared to handle it better than anyone else on the road. All of the sudden from between two parked cars to your right a person shoves a occupied baby stroller out into traffic. You must sacrifice your car to avoid hitting the child. By doing so you have now crashed into another vehicle causing more damage.

Are you upset? Are you upset about your car? Are you upset that now you have to deal with all of this? Are you mad at the person who let go of a stroller and let it roll into traffic?

Fuck yeah, your mad. Jebus forbid someone actually got hurt. That enters a whole 'nother area of spew.

Now. What if that person who lost control of the stroller has never walked a baby before and wasn't aware of how dangerous traffic can be to a infant? Lets just say this person is from Papau New Guinea and actually had no idea, and panicked. Would you still be mad. Fuck yes, you would. You know why? Cuz, what kind of fucking idiot pushes a child into traffic?

So when you don't have a fucking idea what you are doing in surfing, stay the fuck away from people who do. If you can't understand why surfers get mad, it is obvious you are a fucking stroller-pushing dipshit. You should go to where there aren't other surfers until enough years go by and experience dictates that, indeed, some people need a punch in the ear to sort them out. When you finally see why people need a Hawaiian donut, then you are ready to go get one.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Top 10 :: #4 80th Street Jetty, Ocean City, MD

I pulled up to the dune crossover and saw this:

So Chris Minesinger and I went surfing. It was perfect. I went left, he went right. We got tubed, slotted, pitted, shacked and strobed. It was silly perfect.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Longboarder, Hairfarmer

Florida's Surf

found this comment under a youtube video of Ruggles going off.

cubanboy740 (3 weeks ago)
the water is cold there right ?? i live in florida we got great waves too.

Benjiman72391 (3 weeks ago)
no you don't